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MEP Success Through Advising & Relationships (STAR) Program


About the MEP STAR Program

The MEP STAR Program is a year-long academic and scholarship program that seeks to support second-year MEP students who may be at risk of not completing their degree. The program's goals are to:

  1. Collaborate to create a specific academic plan tailored to past experiences and current needs
  2. Provide guidance on cultivating a supportive community at Cal Poly
  3. Offer opportunities to connect academics with industry/career pathways

The Student Experience

"I love this program so much. I realized I am not the only one struggling, but feel more comfortable now asking for help and using the resources at Cal Poly."
- MEP STAR Student 2023-2024

"The counseling was definitely the most impactful part. I plan to come back if I'm allowed! I really appreciated the support, I had never felt that connected to advising until this year."

- MEP STAR Student 2022-2023


Students receive a $2,5000 scholarship: $1,000 in fall quarter, $750 in winter quarter, and $750 in spring quarter.

Meetings with a MEP Advisor

Students are required to meet with an assigned MEP advisor in fall, winter, and spring quarters.

Group Events & campus Engagement

Attendance at a group event/social is required in fall quarter. Students are also encouraged to engage with specific campus resources selected in collaboration with their MEP advisor. 

2024 - 2025

We hope to include 30 students in our 2024-2025 cohort.

Over the years we have consistently seen students in the MEP STAR program have higher cumulative GPAs, express an increase in confidence level (academics, networking, social connections), and move further along in their degree progression compared to their peers not enrolled in the program. 

New this year!: ENGR 270: MEP STAR - Navigating College as a Second Year

2023 - 2024

We had 12 students in this program for 2023-2024 thanks to the support and sponsorship of Northrop Grumman.

2022 - 2023

We had 13 students participate in our second year of the program. 

2021 - 2022 (Pilot Year)

We had 15 students participating in our first, pilot year of the program. Our MEP STAR students had a higher average degree progress increase, as well as a higher average Spring 2022 CPSLO GPA, at the end of the year. 

Review our Pilot End of the Year report to see why we love and continue this program!

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