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MEP Study Room & Computer Lab (Bldg. 40 - Room 110)

Our MEP Study Room is an ideal spot to meet other MEP students and study for your classes! You will need your PolyCard to swipe into the room. We have free printing and a computer lab for your convenience!

Here are a few reminders to to keep in mind:
  1. Masks are optional. Please respect students' individual choices in this matter. 
  2. Please keep in mind that the MEP Study Room door should remain closed at all hours. Please be sure to plan accordingly and have your PolyCard handy. If your PolyCard does not work, please contact ITS for support.
  3. The SMART TV (sponsored by Chevron) is available for any MEP student to use. We ask that you review the instructions located to the right of the TV before using it. Contact if there are any issues with the TV.
  4. Please throw away your trash. There are large trashcans in the room for your use. We appreciate that you pick up after yourself or the group you are with.
  5. You are welcome to use the white boards with the markers provided. If you are done, please wipe it off with the cleaner and erasers. Our team will clean off all white boards on Monday mornings at 8:00 a.m.

Need Help in Your Classes? Tutoring & Supplemental Workshops Could Help!

The Office of Writing & Learning Initiatives offers tutoring assistance for a variety of different subjects and you can also place a request for a tutor. To learn more about their services, please visit their page.

You can also visit the advising web page for more information about campus tutoring, supplemental workshops, and study sessions. 

Student tutoring other students

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